Simplifying my life gave me the space to write my novel

Elle Griffin
8 min readOct 11, 2019

When I get together with some friends, colleagues, and peers, the discussion often turns to stress. I am so stressed by work. I am so stressed by all my responsibilities. I’m so stressed by all of my obligations.

I believe this is because many people design their lives to be filled. They take jobs that require them to work a lot. They have large mortgages that require them to work those sorts of jobs. They go to workout classes after work. They get a dog, then have a kid. Then they have another kid even if they were already stressed and exhausted by the first one.

Then there are the daily obligations they place on themselves. They have to get a workout in every day and feel guilty when they don’t. They volunteer for this, that, and the other thing which causes them to run around harried. They have yard work to do every weekend and gutters to clean every fall. And before they can even pinpoint the cause of their stress, their lives are so filled to the brim with the things that cause it.

That is not the life for me, and I’ve always known it. I realize my own capacity and that I enjoy a fair amount of peace. I love waking up in a home that feels like a sanctuary. My home has only a few beautiful items in it. There is no noise. No obligation to do anything other than make a pot of tea and enjoy it…

